

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

TRC - Princess Tomoyo Work in Progress - part 3

Yuan drew, cut out, and painted the individual layers of the lotus flower design.

The lotus flower petals combined.

Added on the black motifs and moon and also the purple danglies….and the fan is done! <3

Halfway through making the front part of Tomoyo’s head accessories.

Sketched the moon-cloud pattern for the design on the sleeves of Tomoyo’s dress. Later on will be duplicated, painted and transfer onto iron-ons.

More updates soon after my sewing machine decides to stop Tsuntsuning with me~ orz

Sunday, September 26, 2010

TRC - Princess Tomoyo Work in Progress - part 2

Continued from last weekend, we cut out the basic shape of the horns for the headgear, 8 pieces overall. Then colour it with gold acrilic.

All the pieces of the basic form combined. The wires were put inside to reinforce it.

Yarn cut and gathered up.

Connect it to one of the ‘danglies’.

Some blings for us to play with hehehe~

Blings connected to make another piece of the ‘danglies’.

‘Danglies’ <3

More blings and more ‘danglies’.

The 3 different type of danglies made for each side of the headgear.

Main piece of the headgear. Detailing was added using black paint and 3D gold paint.

The finished product! The whole headgear and all the ‘danglies’ connected. The parts can be disconnected and reconnected at will for easy transportation/safe keeping.

Redoing the fan since the last 1 broke. We used the base of last fan to make the basic form of the new fan.

The outer layer of the fan, drawn and coloured.

The basic shape of the fan after combined. Later on we’ll add the flower and moon detailing.

Cut the basic pattern of the dress’s skirt part from the cloth we bought earlier.

Draw and cut the pattern for the front top part of the dress. Add interfacing to it to make it stronger.

Draw and cut the pattern for the back top part of the dress. Add interfacing to it to make it stronger. Now all that’s left is for us to sew all the parts together.

Added detailing to the collar part of the inner top.…and that’s it for now! To be continued next weekend, after we buy more materials. =D

Monday, September 20, 2010

TRC - Princess Tomoyo Work in Progress - part 1

Previously i cosplayed an illustration version of Tomoyo. Now i'll be making another version of Princess Tomoyo, based on the manga-art above. Since it's B&W, i'll be making colour assumptions based on other artworks by CLAMP.

Started off with a drawing on how the 'dress' would look like...and proceed with a rough drawing of how the individual pattern pieces would look like. From there i measure and estimate how much cloth i need to get. i plan to make the skirt a full-circle.

The inner top of my previous Tomoyo costume. I plan to dismantle it and redo the sleeves part entirely. Will be changing the collar colour parts as well and Bling-ify itz! \o/

Bought the fabric for the outer 'dress'.... 9 meter worth. The colour is so pretty isn't it?! *__*

Here in M'sia we call it 'terompah'... a type of slipper made from wood, much like the 'japanese geta', yes?! It's something i previously owned... all it needed was flowers and beads blings and it's now all cosplay-worthy.

Tomoyo's wig and the twin hair wrap thing of hers. Not pretty satisfied with it so later we'll redo it using another method.

Previous costume's waist belt thing we lovingly nicknamed 'Tentacles'. We prettify the tentacles a bit with iron-on bead blings. The 4 'logo' was hand painted.

Bought some lace that will be used for the detailing of the top part of the outer 'dress'.

As i handle the 'sewing related' parts, Yuan handles the 'props/accessories construction' parts of the cosplays. First she dismantled the previous cosplay's headgear and save whatever part that can be used to make a new headgear.

Re-colour the middle 'flower'.

Then paint the details and add beads to bling-ify it.

Cut the big middle part out of cardboard and add wire to reinforce it.

Cut the small flower pieces, colour it and add beading detailing.

'Gattai'!!! The middle is done....and now on to the side 'horns' of the head piece.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

TRC - Kurogane Work in Progress - part 1

So i started making Kurogane's outfit during my holidays few months back...and the works goes a little like this...

The main material was p-leather (black and red) and some rubber flooring material my friend said called 'linoleum' to add some thickness to it. A lot of maths n measurements involved... and i cut the shape of the 'top' accordingly.

Finished pasting the red lines on the 'tube top'. the thicker red part i sent to a cobbler to sew it so it 'sticks' stronger and doesn't crumple under abuse.

Same method used for the shoulder armor. Black leather pasted/sewn on the linoleum sheets... and then cut out the shape. Add red detailing later.

Sew it together with red threads. Also add the holes thing.

These are the arm coverlets. Cut out the pleather to shape and add red detailing. Afterward sew on the Velcro.

The belt around the waist... used to carry his sword and 'ninja bombs'. Made from the same way... cut the shape out from the red pleather and fold+glue/sew in the edges.

The whole set so far. Notice that i already sewn in the jacket-zip on the tube-top so it's wearable now. Also made the shoulder straps.... but it's not in this picture.

Combined the tube-top and the shoulder straps. Yeap suffered some 'accidents' along the way....

Finished making the top, shoulder armour and arm thingies~ yay!!!

Cut out 3 pieces of pleather and sew them together to make each of the boot covers. Sew rubber-band underneath the platforms so the boot-covers stick onto the boots.

Glue the red pleather detailings and sew the red threads onto it...and the boots are done! <3

The 'mask' made out of pleather and boxboard, with rubber straps.

The cloak still needs to be shredded later on...

Lastly the dragon-sword. It was modified from a cheap katana replica. My friend Dante helped molding the dragon head from the loghtweight-clay i gave him. And then i made and combined the handle detailings part and combined the sword blade together. tadah! Done! <3


However.... the sword broke during our recent skit/competition....so we'll be making a new and better dragon sword for AFA. ^^;; While we're in topic.... the tube-top also got ripped during that skit so we'll be remaking that and the shoulder armors too.... as soon as we buy more materials. woohoo~ till next WIP update! o/